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Sakshi Nayakeshwarar


This Sunday we have a story about Sakshi Nayakeshwarar from Deivathin Kural(Voice Of God).

Sakshi Nayakeshwarar is present at a place called Avalivanallur(அவளிவணல்லூர்). In the village, lived a person who belonged to the temple priest community(சிவாசாரியார்). He had 2 daughters and they both looked similar to each other. The priest got his daughters married. His elder son-in-law went to Kasi(Varnasi). In those days, these kind of trips were not very easy as we undertake during these days. It took him 4 to 5 years to return back.

Meanwhile, his wife got small pox but she survived somehow. But still she was not alright. The disease showed its full strength on her. She lost her sight, her face became awkward. Even her husband couldn't recognize her. At the same time, the younger daughter also came to her father's home. She now resembled her elder sister.

When the priest's son-in-law returned from Kasi, he mistook the younger daughter as his wife. He couldn't accept that one with small pox was his wife. He thought everyone is lying and trying to entrust the burden of taking care of younger daughter affected by small pox on him. All the people in the village tried to convince him but they couldn't. He was strong in his belief.

His father-in-law prayed to Lord Shiva in the temple to be the witness and reveal all the incidents. Suddenly he heard a voice "Come with all the family members and the truth will be revealed". His family came to the temple and Lord Shiva himself told "The one who you married with fire as witness is this woman. That woman is This Woman(அவள் இவள் தான்)". Then he advised the woman with small pox to dip in the temple pond to get back her original form. This Story has been carved in the wall behind the deity in the Sanctorum. This is how the town got the name Avalivanallur(அவள்+இவள்+ல்லூர்)


Sakshi Nathar Temple

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